文件編碼組織 後設資料標誌集 選錄版
TEI Lite
7. 附註
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<p>Collections are ensembles of distinct entities or objects of any sort. <note place="foot" n=1> We explain below why we use the uncommon term <mentioned>collection</mentioned> instead of the expected <mentioned>set</mentioned>. Our usage corresponds to the <mentioned>aggregate</mentioned> of many mathematical writings and to the sense of <mentioned>class</mentioned> found in older logical writings. </note> The elements ...</p>
<lg id="RAM609"> <note place="margin">The curse is finally expiated</note> <l>And now this spell was snapt: once more</l> <l>I viewed the ocean green,</l> <l>And looked far forth, yet little saw</l> <l>Of what had else been seen —</l> </lg>
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