
Open Digital Archive Environment, ODAE

Open Digital Archive Environment, ODAE
Developer: Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica-Computer System and Communication Laboratory
Operating System: Windows NT
Interface Language: Traditional Chinese
Web Application Server:Internet Information Server (IIS)
System Language: ASP(Active Server Page)、CGI、Java
Database Management System: SQL server 2000
User's Authorization: Not open to the public. Please contact Research and Development of Technology Division of NDAP for technical assistance upon request. (Limited to Digital Archive Program)

ODAE Digital Archive System aims to create an environment for the integrated management of multimedia digital archives and services. It provides users with basic functions of collecting, revising, post-producing, storing, propagating, representing as well as system security and management and user's service. functions.

System Function:
  • Archival Database Management: offer to add and update archival database, import and export XML documents, and develop and index HTML web pages.
  • Collection Management: the management of collection field, the establishment and maintenance of collected artifacts, the management of modifiers and management of authority controlled vocabulary.
  • Data Implementation: offers basic functions, such as add, revise, delete, and search.
  • Authorization Management: offers group, user's account and password management.
  • Indexing Service: offers full-text indexing and Dublin Core advanced indexing.
  • Multimedia Presentation: support collection image preview and viewing and multimedia on demand system.
  • Supplementary Tools: offer modifier example exchange.
  • System Maintenance: offers system message management and publishing information management.
  • Instruction: offers system announcement, and system operation instruction.


  • Wang, Hsiang-An., Fann, Chi-Wen & Ho, Jan-Ming (2002). Open Digital Archive Environmen (In Chinese). 1st Digital Archives Technical Regulation Conference of the National Digital Archives Program (271-277). Taipei: Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica.
  • ODAE System Operation Manual (Oct. 18, 2004) website: http://daal.iis.sinica.edu.tw/pdf/G-1.pdf

Supported Projects:

1. Ethnological Specimen, Photo and Archives (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
  1.1 Archaeological Artifact Management System
  1.2 Archaeological Artifact Indexing System version 1.0
  1.3 Archaeological Artifac tCollection Management System http://ndweb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/archaeo2/index.jsp
  1.4 Archaeological Excavation Collection Management System

2. Archives Projects of Rubbings and Archaic Texts(Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
  2.1 Database Management System of Rubbing http://rub.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/
  2.2 Bronze Rubbings
  2.3 Han Dynasty Wooden Slips Management System http://ndweb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/woodslip/System/Index.jsp
  2.4 Han Dynasty Wooden Slips Indexing System http://ndweb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/woodslip_public/System/Main.htm

3. Rare Books of Fu Ssu-Nien Library (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)

4. Seal Database of Rare Books Collected in the Fu Ssu-Nien Library (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)

5. Ethnological Specimen, Photo and Archives (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
  5.1 Ethnological Survey Photography Management System http://ndweb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/race/

6. Inventory Studies of Taiwan Fauna: Fishes and Mollusks
  6.1 Digital Archives of Fish Fauna from Taiwan (Institute of Zoology) FishBase http://fishdb.sinica.edu.tw/
  6.2 Digital Archives of Malacofauna from Taiwan (Institute of Zoology)  http://shell.sinica.edu.tw/

7. Institutional Projects of National Palace Museum Cultural Artifacts Digital Archives
  7.1 Digital Archives Project of Chinese Antiquities at the National Palace Museum Management System  
  7.2 Digital Archives Project of Chinese Antiquities at the National Palace Museum Indexing System  

8 Institutional Projects of National Palace Museum Cultural Artifacts Digital Archives
  8.1 Digital Archives Project of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy at the National Palace Museum Management System  
  8.2 Authority Records of Personal Names  http://ndweb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/people/System/People/
  8.3 Digital Archives Project of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy at the National Palace Museum Indexing System 

9 National Digital Archive Union Catalog Program (Divisions of the National Digital Archives Program) http://catalog.ndap.org.tw/dacs5/System/Main.jsp

10 National Taiwan University Insect Specimen Digital Archive Project-Zoology Ecological Type Database  

11 Digital Museum of Taiwan's Social and Humanities Video Archive
  11.1 Video Archive Management System http://ndweb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/twemovie/manage/
  11.2 Video Archive Indexing System http://ndweb.iis.sinica.edu.tw/twemovie/index.html