文件編碼組織 後設資料標誌集 選錄版
TEI Lite
4. 文件編碼
特別為正文前後內容所訂定的元素,後面的「19. 正文前與正文後資訊」會詳加敘述。本節只討論正文文本使用的標記。
4.1 文件分項
屬性識別碼(id)與識別號(n)具有廣泛的用途,可被任何的TEI DTD的元素所採納,具有全域性。在TEI Lite的架構中尚有其他全域性的屬性,將在「8.3 連結屬性」中詳加討論。
在文件中,每一個識別碼(id)的屬性值不可重複。確保不重複的簡易方式是讓它反映文獻的階層結構。以亞當•史密斯的國富論(Wealth of Nations)為例,此書的初版有五冊,每一冊分若干章節,某些章節又分成不同部分,則可使如此定義識別碼(id)的屬性值:
<div1 id="WN1" n="I" type="book"> <div2 id="WN101" n="I.1" type="chapter"> ... </div2> <div2 id="WN102" n="I.2" type="chapter"> ... </div2> ... <div2 id="WN110" n="I.10" type="chapter"> <div3 id="WN1101" n="I.10.1" type="part"> ... </div3> <div3 id="WN1102" n="I.10.2" type="part"> ... </div3> </div2> ... </div1> <div1 id="WN2" n="II" type="book"> .... </div1> ...此外,在識別碼(id)與識別號(n)中使用不同的編號架構,對非常態結構的文獻很有幫助。例如,某一部小說有兩冊,兩冊各有若干章節,但是章節編排是連貫而非各冊獨立的。則可以採用這種架構:
<div1 id="TS01" n="1" type="Volume"> <div2 id="TS011" n="1" type="Chapter"> ... </div2> <div2 id="TS012" n="2"> ...</div2> </div1> <div1 id="TS02" n="2" type="Volume"> <div2 id="TS021" n="3"type="Chapter"> ...</div2> <div2 id="TS022" n="4"> ...</div2> </div1>
上例中,作品有兩卷,每卷含兩章。原章節編號是由1至4,但是利用識別號(id)的屬性值,可也可由用1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2來表示。
4.2 標頭與結尾
在<文字區段>(<div>), <第一層>(<div1>), <第二層>(<div2>)等元素中,若有正文前還有題名或標頭,或結束後(較不常見)尚有正文之外的文字,如:第一章完。則可適用下列層次:
其他用在文件開始或結尾部分的必要元素,在「19.1.2 正文前資料」中會討論到。 不論如何,標頭或是卷末語都屬於個別決定的項目。尋常的標頭(如「第一章」)或已定義屬性值(如<div1 type='Chapter' n=1>)可以省略,除此之外的文字都必須被標記。
例如,哈代(Hardy)的「綠林樹下」(Under the Greenwood Tree)的卷首可如此標誌:
<div1 id="UGT1" n='Winter' type='Part'> <div2 id="UGT11" n='1' type='Chapter'> <head>Mellstock-Lane</head> <p>To dwellers in a wood almost every species of tree ...
4.3 散文、詩及戲劇
<body> <p>I fully appreciate Gen. Pope's splendid achievements with their invaluable results; but you must know that Major Generalships in the Regular Army, are not as plenty as blackberries. </p> </body>供韻文和劇本(戲劇、電影等)等具特定結構的文本所使用的標誌如下:
<lg n="I"> <l>I Sing the progresse of a deathlesse soule,</l> <l>Whom Fate, with God made, but doth not controule,</l> <l>Plac'd in most shapes; all times before the law</l> <l>Yoak'd us, and when, and since, in this I sing.</l> <l>And the great world to his aged evening;</l> <l>From infant morne, through manly noone I draw.</l> <l>What the gold Chaldee, of silver Persian saw,</l> <l>Greeke brass, or Roman iron, is in this one;</l> <l>A worke t'out weare Seths pillars, bricke and stone,</l> <l>And (holy writs excepted) made to yeeld to none,</l> </lg>元素<詩行>(<l>)是用來標誌韻文的行(詩行),並非排版造成的行:上例中,前四行詩的原編排方式可能因為採用<詩行>(<l>)標誌而無法清楚表現。如果需要標誌排版造成的行,可以使用元素<lb>來標誌,詳見「5. 頁碼與行碼」。
<div1 type ='Act' n='I'><head>ACT I</head> <div2 type ='Scene' n='1'><head>SCENE I</head> <stage rend="italic"> Enter Barnardo and Francisco, two Sentinels, at several doors</stage> <sp><speaker>Barn<l part="Y">Who's there?</l></speaker></sp> <sp><speaker>Fran<l>Nay, answer me. Stand and unfold yourself.</l></speaker></sp> <sp><speaker>Barn<l part="i">Long live the King!</l></speaker></sp> <sp><speaker>Fran<l part="m">Barnardo?</l></speaker></sp> <sp><speaker>Barn<l part="f">He.</l></speaker></sp> <sp><speaker>Fran<l>You come most carefully upon your hour.</l></speaker></sp>同樣的機制或可以應用在由兩個不同講者表演的詩句上:
<sp><speaker>First voice</speaker> <lg type="stanza" part="I"> <l>But why drives on that ship so fast</l> <l>Withouten wave or wind?</l> </lg> <sp><speaker>Second Voice</speaker> <lg part="F"> <l>The air is cut away before.</l> <l>And closes from behind.</l> </lg>以下的例子說明用劇本的方式標誌散文中的對話。同時說明使用屬性人物(who)來定義散文裡對話段落的說話者:
<sp who="OPI"><speaker>The reverend Doctor Opimiam</speaker> <p>I do not think I have named a single unpresentable fish. <sp who="GRM"><speaker>Mr Gryll</speaker> <p>Bream, Doctor: there is not much to be said for bream.</p> <sp who="OPI"><speaker>The Reverend Doctor Opimiam</speaker> <p>On the contrary, sir, I think there is much to be said for him. In the first place....</p> <p>Fish, Miss Gryll -- I could discourse to you on fish by the hour: but for the present I will forbear...</p> </sp>
譯自TEI官方網站的TEI Lite網頁:http://www.tei-c.org/Lite/