1.教材與學習管理系統溝通之資料模型 草案
(IEEE 1484.11.1—IEEE Standard for Learning Technology—Data Model for Content to Learning Management System Communication)
2.教材物件溝通資料模型之可延伸標示語言架構繫結 草案 (IEEE 1484.11.3— IEEE Standard for Learning Technology— Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Binding for Data Model for Content Object Communication)
3.學習物件詮釋資料之可延伸標示語言架構定義語言繫 結 草案 (IEEE 1484.12.3— IEEE Standard for Learning Technology— Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Definition Language Binding for Learning Object Metadata)
4.內容包裝 草案
(IMS Content Packaging,Version 1.14 Final Specification)
5.問題與測驗互運性 草案
(IMS Question and Test Interoperability,Version 2.1 Public Draft(revision 2) Specification)
6.與情境相關服務之OpenURL架構鍵與編碼值格式實作 指導綱要 草案
(NISO Z39.88—2004:The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services:The Key/Encoded-Value( KEV)Format Implementation Guidelines)