文件編碼組織 後設資料標誌集 選錄版
TEI Lite
12. 列表
<list> <head>A short list</head> <item>First item in list.</item> <item>Second item in list.</item> <item>Third item in list.</item> </list> <list> <head>A short list</head> <item n="1">First item in list.</item> <item n="2">Second item in list.</item> <item n="3">Third item in list.</item> </list> <list> <head>A short list</head> <label>1</label><item>First item in list.</item> <label>2</label><item>Second item in list.</item> <label>3</label><item>Third item in list.</item> </list>
簡單的兩欄式表單,可以詞彙表的方式來處理,標誌成「<list type="gloss">」。詞彙表中,一個項目包含一個詞目及一個解釋,各以元素<標籤>(<label>)及元素<項目>(<item>)來標記。與這兩個元素相對應的元素為<專有名詞>(<term>)與<詞彙>(<gloss>),元素<專有名詞>(<term>)與<詞彙>(<gloss>)可出現在文本中的任何位置。
<list type="gloss"> <head>Vocabulary</head> <label lang="enm">nu</label> <item>now</item> <label lang="enm">lhude</label> <item>loudly</item> <label lang="enm">bloweth</label> <item>blooms</item> <label lang="enm">med</label> <item>meadow</item> <label lang="enm">wude</label> <item>wood</item> <label lang="enm">awe</label> <item>ewe</item> <label lang="enm">lhouth</label> <item>lows</item> <label lang="enm">sterteth</label> <item>bounds, frisks</item> <label lang="enm">verteth</label> <item lang="lat">pedit</item> <label lang="enm">murie</label> <item>merrily</item> <label lang="enm">swik</label> <item>cease</item> <label lang="enm">naver</label> <item>never</item> </list>
內部結構複雜的列表項目,比較傾向視之為表單,這種特殊目的的標誌,下面的章節「14. 表單」會定義。
<list type="gloss"><label>EVIL</label> <item><list type="simple"> <item>I am cast upon a horrible desolate island, void of all hope of recovery.</item> <item>I am singled out and separated as it were from all the world to be miserable.</item> <item>I am divided from mankind — a solitaire; one banished from human society.</item> </list> <!-- end of first nested list --></item> <label>GOOD</label> <item><list type="simple"> <item>But I am alive; and not drowned, as all my ship's company were.</item> <item>But I am singled out, too, from all the ship's crew, to be spared from death...</item> <item>But I am not starved, and perishing on a barren place, affording no sustenances....</item> </list><!-- end of second nested list --></item> </list><!-- end of glossary list -->
On those remote pages it is written that animals are divided into <list rend="run-on"><item n="a">those that belong to the Emperor,<item n="b"> embalmed ones, <item n="c"> those that are trained, <item n="d"> suckling pigs, <item n="e"> mermaids, <item n="f"> fabulous ones, <item n="g"> stray dogs, <item n="h"> those that are included in this classification, <item n="i"> those that tremble as if they were mad, <item n="j"> innumerable ones, <item n="k"> those drawn with a very fine camel's-hair brush, <item n="l"> others, <item n="m"> those that have just broken a flower vase, <item n="n"> those that resemble flies from a distance.</list>
譯自TEI官方網站的TEI Lite網頁:http://www.tei-c.org/Lite/