The Digital Archives of the Historical Source Materials Held by the Taiwan Provincial Consultative Council and the Institute of Taiwan History - the Taiwan Provincial Consultative Council


The main collections of the history of the Taiwan Provincial Consultative Council are currently housed by the Council, which include the following valuable historical materials: (1) the archives on the Provincial Assembly Council, 1946-1951; (2) the archives on both the Provisional Provincial Assembly and the Provincial Assembly, 1946-1998; (3) the gazetteers and parliamentary records, 1946-1998; (4) compilations on interpellations and proposals by the assemblymen, 1977-1998; (5) video cassettes of the assembly meetings, 1979-1998.

The digitization plan(2004~2006) aimed at three goals: (1) to digitalize major cultural and historical collections on Taiwan; (2) to incorporate the assemblies' digitalized historical archives into their multi-media sources, so as to standardize the digitalization process and its supporting technology that will benefit the future digitalization plan of the archives on the Taiwan assemblies; (3) to integrate all major digitalized materials of the Institute of Taiwan History into a key research database on Taiwan studies

<source: National Digital Archives Program web site>

Applied Metadata Standard

Metadata Elements List

Progress and Result:

項目符號 Archives digitalization project of the period of the Provincial Assembly Council, the Provisional Provincial Assembly, and the Provincial Assembly
項目符號 The gazetteers and parliamentary records project
項目符號 Compilation on interpellations and proposals by the assemblyman project and vieo cassettes of the assembly meetings project


Working documents contain the records when MAAT works on analyzing metadata with the staffs of the thematic group. They include worksheets, controlled vocabulary lists, analysis reports, system requirement specifications, guidelines, meeting reports, and misc.