
Digital Archive Database Tool, DADT

Digital Archive Database Tool, DADT

Developer: Development Division, Computing Center, Academia Sinica
Worling System: Linux
Language Interface: Tranditional Chinses
Web Application Server: Apache
Program Langauge: PHP、SQL、Java Script
Database Management System: MySQL
User's Authorization: Not open to the public. Please contact Research and Development of Technology Division of NDAP for technical assistance upon request. (Limited to Digital Archive Program)

The Digital archive database tool (DADT) is a tool for making sophisticated database application systems on the Web. DADT is a highly schema-driven tool. As long as the database schema is decided, users may follow some simple rules to design Web pages according to the schema, and obtain the support of DADT. Four kinds of Web pages are supported: Management, Query, List and Report. and DADT is also offered with fixed programs to be connect with DBMS and web interfaces. Except for the stricker restrictions for managing web pages, users can design the looks of the web pages and content in a flexible way.

System Function:

  • The construction of Database: providing users with database schema to describe the overall structure of the information in a conceptual way. As long as the database schema is decided, users may follow some simple rules to design Web pages according to the schema, and obtain the support of DADT.
  • Data Field: offering multi-valued fields, passive/active hierarchical form setting functions and multi-layer conversion programs.
  • Data Cateloging: offering basic functions, such as adding, updating, deleting, and searching the archival data.
  • Indexing: Managing and searching web pages can be done by means of inserting words. Each element in the web page connected with databases can be set with indexing conditions and uses operational symbol to set searching conditions.
  • Browsing: the searching results can be listed accordingly. Users are privileged to choose the content to be shown in certain formet.
  • Reporting:Access the record according to database schema, and present their hierarchical relationship by array tree.
  • Access Right Management: can log in a certain personal computer with passwords to manage the web page in order to assure the security of the information.
  • Others:Support page-by-page browsing, video web pages, label searching, converting to Unicode or image files.


  • Development Division, Computing Center, Academia Sinica--DORE
  • "Digital Archive Database Tools" is in the introduction of 2002 and 2003 Annual Exhibition of National Digital Archive Program

Supported Projects:

1. The Digital Archives of Formosan Aborigines (Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica)
  1.1 Research Bibliography Database http://db1.sinica.edu.tw/%7Ejenny/native/index.html
  1.2 Authority Records of Personal Names http://db1.sinica.edu.tw/%7Etextdb/test/people/people.php

2. Language Archive-The Formosan Language Digital Archives (Institute of Linguistics) 

3. The Digital Archives of the Diplomatic and Economic Records in Modern History (Institute of Modern History)-Data Managing System  http://archwebs.mh.sinica.edu.tw/digital/

4. Digital Archives Projects of Rubbings and Archaic Texts: Bronze Rubbings(Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica) http://rub.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/~bronze/

5. Digital Archives Projects of Rubbings and Archaic Texts: Buddhist Rubbings (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica) http://rub.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/~buddhism/

6. The Grand Secretariat Archives(Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)

7. Grand Secretariat Archives Project—Authority Records of Personal Names(with WebGIS)(Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)  

8. Digital Archives of Historical and Cultural Relics Collected in the Institute of History and Philology—Rare Books of Fu Ssu-Nien Library—Authority Records of Personal Names((Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)

9. Digital Archives of Indigenous Plants of Taiwan (Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica) http://taiwanflora.sinica.edu.tw/

10. Digital Archives Project of Chinese Antiquities at the National Palace Museum   

11. Digital Archives of Government Documents and Presidential Records in the Academia Historica http://dftt.drnh.gov.tw/

  • Archives of the National Government
  • Records of President Chiang Kai-shek
  • Archives of the National Resources Commission
  • Authority Records of Personal Names for Digital Archives of Government Documents and Presidential Records in Academia Historica

12. Digital Japanese Ruling and Postwar Archives Project (Taiwan Historica)   

  • Digital Project of Taiwan Soutokufu Archives
  • Digital Project of Taiwan Soutokufu Senbaikyoku Archives
  • Digital Project of Taiwan Provincial Governor Office Archives
  • Name Authority Control of Japanese Ruling Period
  • Agency Authority Control System in Taiwan Provincial Governor Office

13. Exploration of Taiwan Visual Image (Taipei National University of the Arts/ Institute of Taiwan History Academia Sinica) 

14. Zoology Thematic Group—Taiwan Biodiversity National Information Network 